Chapter 7: Green with Envy

Hey!  Good to be back!

cakeI feel really really bad about not leaving a recipe last time.  I know that’s the reason most of you read this….(which is the reason I leave the recipe.)  So, out of guilt I’m going to give you a SECRET family recipe. It’s a homemade chocolate cake from Missouri.  I’m not from there myself, but my roots are.  (Please don’t hold that against me.)  

My peeps are from a place called Cowgil, Missouri…donkey Yee haw.  And speaking of haw, I know for a fact that donkeys really do say “Hee Haw” cuz I slept in a mighty fine trailer next to a fenced-up donkey in the town of Cowgil, Missouri, and he hee-hawed all night.  But the good thing about a place where there’s nothing to do but smoke is that they sure do cook good. 

And that’s where y’alls come in, getting this crazy delicious cake that couldn’t wait to get out of Missouri.   The highlight of my trip back to my roots (to get this darn cake recipe) was when we had a picnic at a graveyard.  You ought to try it some time. (Tip: don’t bring ribs)  

By the end of the trip I was yelling out the car window at little kids on Big Wheels to get out while they still could.  But enough about Misery, it did birth this awesome cake!  And remember, butter is your friend! 

This one guarantees you your own cooking show if you so desire…unless you tell them where it’s from. 

Let’s update it by changing the name from “Old-Fashioned Missouri Sheet Cake” to something snappy like “Legit Ocean Delight Slice O’ Life Homey’s Dream Cake!


Legit Ocean Delight Slice O’ Life Homey’s Dream Cake

(Need 13 x 17 jelly roll pan)

Bring to boil:

  • 1 cup Pepsi (or any soda)
  • 2 sticks butter or margarine
  • 4 Tbls. cocoa

Sift together three times: (or mix together on low)

  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp. salt

Add to cocoa mixture, mix well. Add:

  • 2 beaten eggs
  • 1/2 cup buttermilk
  • 1 tsp. vanilla

Bake 15-20 minutes at 350


Bring to boil:

  • 4 tbls. cocoa
  • 1 stick butter or margarine
  • 6 tbls. buttermilk


  • 1 box powered sugar
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecans (or walnuts)

Mix well and pour over cake.  (ya don’t have to grease the pan)

waitressSo sorry I went off on you about Missouri….it’s a sore subject.  Donkeys, tumbleweeds, trailers and Flo.  (I’m scarred from the image of Flo burned deep into the recesses of my mind with the butt of her cigarette hangin’ outta the side of her mouth while she took my order…true story.) Guaranteed prison time if she pulled that stunt in California.

Back to poor Sal laying in bed in his jammies, miserable because he’s trying to do God’s work without God.  The last time that Sammy ever saw Sal was when he left Sal in a huff at his office.  Mama writes that Sammy missed Sal greatly and was broken-hearted over the split, but they never reconciled.  Mama thought Sammy’s absence scared Sal, but he never let on like it did.

Let me tell you about this young man, Dave.  Mama thought that his music was anointed from the Lord and possibly the most pleasant sound known to man.  Though Dave was young, only 24 at this time, he had wisdom that could have only been gifted by God.  He knew God’s Word inside and out and wove it into his music. 

He was gentle with his staff and treated Mama like gold.  Dave was a magnet to people. When he came on scene, he always did as he was asked, even if it included being on 24-hour call with Sal. 

He was such a gentle soul and so easy going.  He seemed to have the gift of encouragement and was always counseling or helping out the brethren.  It seems as though Sal’s void began to be filled by Dave.  Dave seemed to be bigger than life.

His title was worship director, and he jumped in with both feet.  He took the worship team and began discipling them individually and also taught and inspired their natural talent.  He restructured the team and added more instruments and helped hone the pristine voices of the singers. 


Most of his team was younger than him, and he welcomed the high-schoolers and college-aged as long as they were willing to study the Word weekly.  The group grew in number and strength and soon became very connected and united.

 Mama said the whole atmosphere of the church seemed to begin to change.  His energetic enthusiasm ushered in hope and revival. 


It was an amazing group of kids, and they seemed so happy in this new-found leadership.  The kids headed over to thekidsintown sanctuary nearly every day after school to practice.

But…(there’s always a but) when Sal dropped in unannounced on a rehearsal and saw the interactions of Dave with HIS flock, he felt jolted.   He saw his son with a smile ear to ear, laughing and joking with Dave.  

green-eyed monster

When their practice began, the music was amazing and so beautiful.  Sal saw green.  (Some people see red, Sal saw green.)  He was taken aback by his own emotions as they mutated from needing Dave to hating Dave.  But most of all he felt the green-eyed monster of jealousy creep in and devour him with its sharp teeth.  


Sal noticed when he abruptly interrupted practice, that the mood changed instantly.  Everyone seemed to stop and turn at once, smiles gone, silent.  Everyone but Dave. 

“Hey, Sal! How’s it going?” Dave greeted Sal with a warm smile and an outstretched hand.  

Sal felt like an outsider, and he didn’t like it.  His own son, Johnny, stood back and stared at the ground. 

Sal tried to put on a front, but was shocked at his own seething jealousy.  He thought about how ironic it was that he wanted Dave around for his soothing power, and yet that same power was pulling others away from him like a magnet. Sal half smiled and excused himself. 

As he walked down the aisle through the sanctuary, he could hear the kids begin talking and laughing again.  He heard Johnny’s booming laughter above the others.

It seems that people either have one of two maladies, envy or greed.  Envy is like a mirror, except the reflection isn’t yours, it’s somebody else’s.  And the longer you stare into the mirror, the more you try to duplicate it.  You want what the reflection has.  The mildest form of envy is copying someone’s style, the most extreme is murder.

Greed on the other hand doesn’t care what somebody else might have, greed has its own agenda.  Its eyes are set on the desired target, and no one is going to get in the way.

It seems that poor Sal may have been afflicted with both.   He was a greedy man, always taking what he wanted, stepping on whoever got in the way.  But now, envy was beginning to overtake his soul.  Instead of wanting what he already had, he wanted what Dave had: admiration, character, friends.  He wanted things that couldn’t be bought.  But it was more than that, he was furious that Dave had peace.

His outgoing and warm personality resonated everywhere he went, and his charming good looks seemed to be the icing on the cake.  But this was his first position in leadership, and he was taking it very serious.  He was quick to encourage, yet he set a high bar for all those interested in ministry.

Mama was absolutely delighted in Dave, cooking dinner for him every Wednesday night before church.  He mowed Mama’s lawn every Saturday morning for free even though Mama tried to pay him.  He told Mama she was a widow so she was his concern. 

But the true spark in Dave’s eyes was his love for God.  He didn’t just preach it, he lived it.  He spent hours on end in prayer and worship, and truly humbled himself before the congregation.  He knew the Word throughout and knew how to use it as his sword. He always told Mama to use her defensive weapons first; peace, truth, salvation, faith and righteousness because if they were used diligently, you may avoid the battle in the first place. But when you find yourself in battle, pick up your sword.


It seemed every girl over 15 had her eye on Dave.  Though he seemed oblivious to it, the older crowd was humored at the young ladies doting on him.  His office was always full of cakes and cookies, dropped of by some starry-eyed teenager. (Click here to smell.)  

He seemed to take it in stride, pouring himself into his new job.  He definitely was filling a gap that had been blown wide open by Sal.   Not only did Mama notice the new zeal and joy of the congregation, but the compliments on Dave began pouring into her office.  Mama kept every written one of them on her desk in a pile that was growing larger. 

She was so relieved that Dave had come and help calm the storm that was raging and hoped that Sal was taking the time he needed to get better.  She had intended to give the pile of notes about Dave to Sal, but before she could, she noticed they were gone. She looked everywhere for them, puzzled that they were missing. 

Later that day when she was straightening up Sal’s office, she was shocked to see them torn up and in the garbage can. trash Stunned at what she saw,  Mama knew that a silent war had begun.  She only hoped Dave knew he was in it and had sharpened his sword.

Mama went on high alert.  She didn’t want to borrow trouble and tell Dave her suspicions.  How silly would it sound to say that the pastor had torn up all of Dave’s Atta Boy notes.  Mama decided her best strategy would be to play dumb at what was unfolding and silently pray.

She decided in her heart that if she had to pick sides, she was on Dave’s.  But for now, she would keep this secret to herself and her journal.  She wouldn’t let Sal know she was on to his pathetic jealousy, then she would be in a better position to defend Dave.  She was disgusted when she would see him always looking at himself as he walked by the long mirror on the wall.  Mama was not impressed.


One amazing night Dave had a worship night for the youth.  The place was packed. The spirit of the Lord was present and heavy.  After worship, Dave took the microphone.  Mama had it recorded on a cassette.  Listen up:


Dave’s gonna slay a giant…with his sword…and he’s taking the youth with him.

Mama watched the friendship and ministry between Sal’s eldest, Johnny, and Dave grow.  They were together all the time.  They would meet at the gym in the morning and work out, and then head over for coffee afterward to plan their day.  Johnny was on staff, but only part-time, yet he would stay all day long and help Dave out. 

Together the two of them accomplished so much and grew in friendship and faith.   Mama wrote about how this friendship was like pouring salt on an open wound for Sal.  I guess maybe you don’t notice unauthentic teaching until it’s put beside the real deal.  Sal didn’t like being compared to Dave.

But the final blow came when Mama heard a loud argument coming from Sal’s office on a Wednesday night after service.  Mama had gone to her office to grab the lost and found box when she heard the ruckus.  Sal was yelling at his 19-year old daughter, Mika.  Mama could hear her pleading and crying.  Mama froze in fear, wanting to hear the commotion but not wanting to get caught, but it was too late. 

The door flew opened and Mika ran out sobbing.  Sal was sitting at his desk and was yelling as she ran away, “You’re not going to date him, it’s not going to happen! Do you hear me?” 

His loud voice echoed as the door opened allowing a rush of cold air into the room. 

Sal never looked up, just barked at Mama and commanded her to shut his office door.  Mama did and left.  She wrote in her journal that night that she had a feeling that the “boy” that Mika was trying to talk to her dad about was Dave.  Mama knew that this was going to cause Sal to come undone. 

Now his own household had become so enamored with Dave that she knew trouble was coming.  Sal was out of control and unfit to serve.   God’s hand may have been off Sal, but apparently the Boards’ weren’t. 

Sal’s a jerk.  What’s up with this dude?  How could he be jealous?  He has everything!   Our culture has layered so many veils over our eyes that we don’t see things as they truly are!  Instead of him focusing on the treasures he has, like his wife and children and congregation, he focuses on what he doesn’t have…which is a lot like a dog chasing its tail.

That mindset seems to haunt all of us.  For instance, instead of  being in awe at our amazing, astonishing bodies, we take Hollywood’s sensual airbrushed version of what a woman should look like and turn green with envy, doing everything in our power to duplicate the Babylonian version of Eve.  The bar is set so low, you could trip over it.  Satan has put the deceptive bait out there and we’re all biting…never seeing our bodies for the miracles they are.

It’s mind blowing that we can see, feel, hear, love, taste, laugh, cry, even birth other humans!  But when you add the fact that we are the living temple, actually the holding place where God dwells,  it’s mind blowing. 

In the Old Testament only the priests could enter the Holy of Holies, and if they were not sanctified, they died.  Today, same God, different location;  that Holy of Holies is within us!  If we could get our head around that, we wouldn’t belittle ourselves in comparing our worth to the imagery of the media. 

How many people have the God of Creation living, hanging out, inside of them?  Understanding how amazing your frame is and how God resides in you helps silence Hollywood’s call for all to come to her alter and sacrifice our souls to look and act like her.  It sets the bar much higher.

So back to Sal.  His glare is boring right into Dave, who takes it all in stride.  Sal is jealous of this young man.  If Sal would be thankful of what he had, he would be able to come alongside Dave and encourage and support, but the green monster is whispering that Dave is a threat. 

Sal would like nothing more than to watch Dave fall, in front of him, in front of the congregation..and in front of his son, John and daughter, Mika. 

But Sal wasn’t after God’s approval, he was after man’s.  He was learning the hard way.  Man can’t grant peace.

Only God can.     image

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